Our Community
Our Lady of Lourdes
Catholic Primary School
Parents and Friends
The P&F is a forum for all parents to become involved in the life of the school. Meetings are held in the staffroom and are widely advertised.
The aims of the P&F are to:
promote Catholic Education principles
support the principal and develop collaborative relationships between families and school staff
encourage parent participation in school life and promote interaction between home and school, parents and teachers
plan and organise functions
raise valuable funds for the school
provide, improve and maintain the amenities available for the school students, including equipment and maintenance of school buildings and grounds
provide opportunities for social meetings between parents, and promote a spirit of union and good fellowship
cooperate with the Parish Priest, principal and staff in matters relating to OLOL.
Class Reps
Each class has one or two Parent Reps who act as a liaison between the Class and the P&F association.
School Advisory Council (SAC)
Membership on the SAC is a sign that you have been entrusted with a significant position of leadership within the OLOL community. Service to the Council is an example of a positive response to the Vatican II call for people to participate energetically in the life of the Church, bringing problems and issues before the community for discussion and resolution (Decree on the Apostolate of Lay People, n. 10). As parents are the first educators of their children, the involvement of the broader community of parents and friends is to be fostered and held in high esteem (Canon 796, n. 2).
The responsibilities of the SAC are to:
Promote the Catholic ethos of the school and to support the Religious Education programs;
Provide advice on the development and review of school policies;
Provide advice on planning for the future of the parish primary school and its ability to accommodate future enrolments;
Contribute to the selection process for the school principal.
We are grateful to members, past and present, for their dedication and obvious interest in the vision and direction of OLOL School and hope that time serving on the Council is one of energy, growth and satisfaction.
School Advisory Council Manual
This School Advisory Council Manual is written for the people in each community who have agreed to work together to accomplish that shared conviction. The School Advisory Council is entrusted with a role that is founded on Christ’s model of servanthood to others.
Members of School Advisory Councils in all Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) schools should meet high standards of community, group and individual behaviour, and appreciate, value and share the educational mission and ethos of the Catholic Church.

School Uniform
Navy check dress
Black school shoes
Navy or white socks
School sun hat
Navy shorts
Blue shirt, open neck, short sleeves
Navy socks, black shoes
School sun hat
Navy tartan tunic
Long sleeved light blue shirt
Regulation woollen school jumper
Navy tights or long navy socks
Navy trousers or navy shorts
Long sleeved light blue shirt
Regulation woollen school jumper
Navy socks
Sports Uniform
Girls and Boys
School sport polo shirt and school sport shorts (navy) white ankle socks and runners
School tracksuit for winter
Dry and Cosy Jacket
Available to wear in winter over uniform
School uniform is available for purchase either via the PSW website psw.com.au or from their store which is located at Unit 1, 128 Bertie Street, Port Melbourne.
The Woollen Winter Jumper; Art Smock and OLOL Beanie are available to order via SZapp from OLOL.

Before & After School Care
At OLOL, we understand that the school day does not always fit in with the busy lives of our parents. If you need your child to arrive at school early or finish the day later, OLOL has you covered with Extend.
Extend is Australia’s largest family owned and operated Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) provider. The Before and After School Care and Holiday programs are engaging, inclusive and safe. Coupled with knowledgeable, compassionate and energetic educators, there are many good reasons why Extend is the place for your children to thrive, learn, laugh and play.
For more details on the Extend Before and After School Care Program, please visit their website.
Term Dates
Term Dates 2025
Term 1 Thursday 30th January – Friday 4th April
Term 2 Tuesday 22nd April – Friday 4th July
Term 3 Monday 21st July – Friday 19th September
Term 4 Monday 6th October – Tuesday 16th December